By providing innovative solutions to the most challenging issues.
If your Eclipse is equipped with Tamagawa Flap Actuators, there's a good chance you have experienced one or more flap failures. The chances are even higher that the fault was caused by the external flap position potentiometers. These potentiometers measure the flap position and send that information to the rest of the flap system. If the potentiometers sense an unexpected change in resistance of as little as 5% for 0.000012 seconds, your flaps will not move, as the aircraft believes you have a flap asymmetry. So as little as a bit of dirt or a drop of water can make your flaps inoperable.
The solution? Replace the antiquated potentiometers with modern Linear Variable Differential Transformers (LVDTs). LVDTs are not affected by water, dirt, or vibration the way potentiometers are. LVDTs also provide a degree of accuracy that far exceeds the potentiometers.

Our LVDT solution is FAA approved as a PMA replacement article and is fully compatible with all other aircraft systems, as well as the Aircraft Maintenance Computer. The LVDT kit, which includes two LVDTs, two Signal Conditioners, and the necessary wire and hardware, is priced at $16,950. Compare that with the cost of two replacement potentiometers at $8000, and the cost of being AOG and a maintenance road trip, and the value is obvious.
Resurgent Aviation Solutions introduces their latest safety enhancing product, the ABS Brake Control Module Monitor. By monitoring the performance of the last device in the system, any upstream faults can be detected. Should a fault be detected, within milliseconds of beginning to apply brake pressure, the crew will be notified with both aural and visual warnings allowing the crew to take immediate action to safely bring your aircraft to a stop.
The Eclipse Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) is a wonderful device that allows you to brake on contaminated surfaces without fear of damaging a tire or potentially departing the runway surface. But like all mechanical devices, it can be subject to failure, and the current installation may not be able to warn you of a malfunction. Finding out the brakes aren't operating correctly when you need them is to say the least, problematic.
Is your Eclipse air conditioner leaving you hot under the collar?
Whether it's the poor cooling, the constant failures, or the high replacement cost, the current options just aren't cool.
RAS is pleased to announce that we have now developed a simple to install replacement air conditioning compressor pallet. The RAS pallet uses 30% less power, is nearly silent when running, weighs as much as 26 pounds less, and requires no periodic maintenance.
Designed for simplicity, the entire process of removing your old compressor and installing the new RAS compressor can be accomplished in an 8 hour day.
Eclipse operators want something to help assure they can continue to enjoy their Eclipse Jet, even in the midst of a changing support environment.
STC SA04458CH creates an Alternative Maintenance Program for the Eclipse 500/550. This program replaces the manufacturer's recommended maintenance program with a new alternative maintenance program, complete with a new Chapter 4 & Chapter 5.
One of the greatest concerns for Eclipse operators is the availability of replacement PhostrEx Fire Extinguisher Canisters, both now and in the future. Currently, these canisters have a mandatory life limit in Chapter 4 (Airworthiness Limitations Section) of the AMM. This means that when the FAA mandated calendar life limit is reached, if there are no replacement Fire Extinguisher Containers available, your aircraft becomes a very expensive paperweight.
We continue to invest in the parts and materials you need to keep your Eclipse Jet flying safely. We are also continually expanding our FAA Approvals and capabilities.
RAS now holds Accessory Class 1, 2, and 3 ratings, as well as an Eclipse 500 Limited Rating. These ratings allow us to develop new repair processes without needing individual FAA approvals.